Your voice is very clear and the writing flows very well. I like that you say exactly what the page is at the end of the post. It was hard to tell with some of the GIFs whether you were being positive or negative (like taurus/cancer 2).

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I love the humor in this! It was a great read/laugh! And now I finally know what all these mean!

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To start off, I love your headline! It made me chuckle, and I knew right away what your stance/sense of humor was. I was definitely roasted in this blog post, but I did enjoy it, because it was honestly true. I think my only note was that I think in each section, the sign itself was mentioned more than it needed to be! For example, when your headline is bolded "Taurus and Cancer", you can leave out saying Taurus again in that section. Hopefully that makes sense! It was an enjoyable read, and I want to read your next post. :)

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Great job! I love how your voice definitely comes out and is very clear. The GIFs go along great with all your descriptions on why you think they're the best pairing.

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